3 Questions to Answer if you want to write a book
When people ask me about the first step to take in writing a book and getting it published, I tell them they must answer three fundamental questions no matter where they are in the process:
1. What is the book about?
2. Why are you the person to write it?
3. Why now?
I know, these seem too generic, simple, borderline trite. But they are key to not only helping you organize your thoughts about the book, its chief takeaways, and its potential to reach a wide readership, but they are essential to crafting the right pitch you will need to sell your book—to an agent, publisher, and book buyers. The answers permeate all successful book proposals, query letters, and attention-grabbing headlines in the media when you’re in book-promoting mode. Even if you’ve already finished your manuscript and gleefully typed “The End,” you must answer these questions as succinctly and provocatively as possible. And therein lies the challenge. Let’s dig in a little deeper.
What is the book about? If you had to give a quick summary (2-3 sentences) of your book’s main theme, storyline, and point or lesson, what would that be? And can you write the response in a way that’s captivating, compelling, and perhaps counterintuitive or surprising? Can you offer a bold promise or pearls of wisdom that cannot be found elsewhere? In addressing this question, you’ll also figure out who, precisely, your core audience will be.
Why are you the person to write it? What makes you the authority to write on this subject? Have you been working in this field professionally for a long time? Are you considered an established expert, and do you have a strong, loyal following within your professional community or maybe through social media? Think about what makes you the ideal person to write this book. Why would they listen to you? Why should they listen to you?
Why now? What about today makes your book relevant, important, timely, and necessary? Is there a movement—economic, social, political, cultural—on which your book can ride the coattails? What about your book plays into the current zeitgeist? Are you filling a gaping hole in a category or subject area? Aim to articulate this response in a way that’s as specific and alluring as possible. Make potential readers think they need this book now lest they experience FOMO.
For examples of powerful responses to the above questions from books (and their proposals) that became successful bestsellers, sign up for my exclusive emails below.
Exercise: When you want to see if a certain book is a must-read (and earns your hard-won dollars), you will likely check out its descriptive copy on the jacket flap or back cover. If you’re searching online at a retailer like Amazon or Bookshop, you’ll no doubt read the description next to an image of the cover. If your book were available today to buy, what would people read in your description? How can you entice them to buy your book? What can they gain from you? Create your own version of your book’s description. It helps to first devour and study as many of these as possible from comparable titles in your genre. Take note of the style, information conveyed, and persuasive hooks to lure readers in. Find models to imitate and then craft your own!