Where Do You Get Your Best Ideas?
Contrary to what you might think, people do not typically get their best ideas when they are acutely focused at a desk or in a brainstorming meeting. Most people experience sparks of creativity and innovation when they are in a relaxed state or engaging in an activity that allows their minds to wander, drift, daydream, feel tired, or even fall into boredom. Yes, boredom!
This explains why you hear about individuals coming up with great ideas in the shower, in between sleep and wakefulness (the hypnagogic state), or while performing a boring, repetitive, perhaps tedious task like doing the dishes, driving, or folding laundry. Well-practiced hobbies such as knitting, playing an instrument, or cooking also can help us to dip into the creative flow state. All these activities typically don’t require deep concentration, so they free up mental resources to make new connections and solve problems subconsciously.
I get my best ideas when I’m on a long run outdoors, sneaking in an afternoon nap, or walking the dog after dinner without my phone.
The takeaway: Don’t underestimate the power of monotony, tedium, boredom, and exhaustion. The next time you’re cleaning the toilets or taking out the trash, you just might come up with the opening scene for your next writing project.
Credit: Photo by Aaron Burden for Unsplash